So now, along comes ArtFire. The idea is the same - a collective showcase for people with handmade stuff to sell to other people that buy handmade stuff. Only it's free. At least, for the first ten items listed. If you want more product space, or more options, you pay a FLAT RATE, currently $7 a month. There's no commission fees like there are on etsy. Which is really nice.
I'm not jumping ship. At least, not yet. For now I'm offering my products BOTH places. You can pick where you'd like to buy from. Or, of course, you can always go to our main site and purchase from there. You'll also notice that I've only listed 10 items on ArtFire. I'm not ready to commit just yet. I need at least a couple of sales there before I can decide if it's going to work out better for me or not.
First, read this features list. Then, if you decide that you'd like to try out ArtFire for yourself, say that "blissology" sent you in the "Where did you hear about us? From an ArtFire user" pull down menu when you sign up.

You're probably right to not jump on board just yet. Etsy has such a great name for itself that it will probably be hard for any other small start up to compete just yet.
Overall I agree, except that I went ahead and bought the verified membership. I like the fact that Artfire encourages seller involvement. They've alreadly published two of my advice articles and my shop feature! I've made 9 sales so far! Still selling on etsy until I see how the end result might be.