First of all, we're in a treasury today, so please check it out!
Next, I'm just about ready to send out the next newsletter, so if you haven't signed up for it yet, go here and do so.
And, we're GIVING AWAY A FREE MASSAGE OIL CANDLE. That's right, I shouted that. The winner gets to pick whichever scent they want from this list. And all you have to do to be entered to win, is to go to this Bath, Body, Candle blog, read the article, and do what it says. A winner will be randomly chosen in two weeks and I'll then send it out right away. Did I mention it was a FREE MASSAGE OIL CANDLE? Just checking.
Now, as promised and only a few days late, I have pictures AND a name for our muscle rub. Introducting, Blissology's "Ultimate Muscle Therapy Balm" with Arnica, comfrey, and menthol. You can buy it now here for only $12.
I also now have more information about that day spa I wrote about not so long ago. Bella Vita Day Spa is opening January 2nd for business. I've stopped in a few times already and the transformation on the building is incredible. It used to be Kathy's Kandyland, a specialty bakery and handmade candy store. Now it looks completely different inside.
Anyway, Bella Vita is going to be using all of our products. Soap, body scrubs, massage oils, everything that they can possible get from us, they are. Plus, they're going to have almost our entire line of products for sale right there in the spa. We are SO excited, and I think that Jennifer, the owner, is really excited (albeit stressed right now) too!
So for anyone who's local or who wants to visit, you can call Bella Vita at (719) 539-8558 or stop in at 7620 W. Hwy. 50 in Salida, Colorado. They're going to offer massages, facials, body scrub treatments, hair, waxing, nails, private parties, the works!
I think that sums up all the little loose ends hanging around. I still have to tell you about our new Shea Butter, but that can mostly wait for another post.
Hope everyone had a great holiday. If you didn't get what you wanted (namely, Blissology stuff), you know where to go!
What should our new Elf-inspired Holiday Soap be called?
Lil' Bits of Bliss

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Tying Up Loose Ends
12:30 PM | Filed Under Bella Vita, blog, muscle rub, shea butter, spa, treasury | 1 Comments
A mother-daughter duo in Colorado building a business from home with handmade soap, bath, and massage products.
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