Time sure does fly when you're busy sharing bliss!
We attended our local annual Holistic Fair last weekend and it was really nice. We had gone last year, but did even better this year. The best thing about these sorts of events is really the networking and meeting new people. We made some great connections, got our aura's photographed, and had a great time.
I do recall June being a slightly crazy month last year, but I'm not sure if it was ever this chaotic! In a few days Pam heads off to conferences for her "real" job (she's a middle school teacher!) and will be gone for almost two whole weeks. In the meantime, I'll be at home making lots of lotions, muscle balms, and footsie bars. We're drastically low on all those items and as I sit here I keep thinking of more things to add to the "to do list." (wrap soaps, make massage oils, salt scrubs.....)
And a week from today I'll be setting up for our first Farmer's Market of the season! By myself! Thankfully I think both my sisters will be around to help keep my two-year-old entertained but it's still going to be a big job and I'm definitely going to be missing mom! She'll probably be playing with cool new computer technologies while I try to figure out how to set up the tent alone. Oh woe is me.
Regardless, the farmer's market is going to be awesome! We've had people telling us how excited they are for it since March. Here's more information on it:
Where: Alpine Park, downtown F-Street, Salida, CO
When: Every Saturday starting June 20th until October 17th, 9 am - 12:30 pm
What: Lots of fresh, local produce, coffee and drinks, ice cream, hand baked goods, local art and crafts, cheeses, meat, breads, live music, and Blissology!
It's going to be a great summer, but this next week before the market starts is going to be hectic! This will be the last day I have Pam to help me out so we're going to make a few batches of soap. On the agenda: Pomegranate, Plumeria, and a new summer essential oil blend featuring Ginger, Lime, and Orange.
What should our new Elf-inspired Holiday Soap be called?
Lil' Bits of Bliss

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Flying to the Market Solo
1:15 PM | Filed Under flying solo, plumeria, pomegranate, salida farmer's market, summer | 1 Comments
A mother-daughter duo in Colorado building a business from home with handmade soap, bath, and massage products.
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Hello nice blog.