Today I'm going to do my best to relax. I've usually already blogged, emailed, twittered, and various other things by this time of day. Today though is slower. I think everyone needs a little break now and then and hopefully today can be mine.
I'm a little worried that we won't be getting much business stuff done this week. We're hosting Turkey Day at our house and that means a lot of preparation and house cleaning. It also means we have to take all the supplies from the dining room to their proper place in the downstairs soap room. Lugging down big heavy buckets and baskets is not very fun.
It would be really excellent if we could make enough money this holiday season to pay for a water heater and a plumber. Just like that we could have a dedicated space for production. A girl can dream!
It WILL happen, it's just a matter of when. We have a nice little room downstairs with a plain concrete floor. It already houses a stove and it used to have a full-sized refrigerator/freezer but it stopped working. We'd have to install some simple shelves, but I wouldn't even care if they were just wood and cinder blocks at this point. The only thing stopping us from this point is that there's no water hookup there yet. And no sink. Both are easy to get, they just take some money. So that's what we need.
Until then, we just have to keep lugging these supplies up and down the stairs. And using the kitchen for double duty. When you see a stock pot here lined with a creamy looking sauce, don't eat it. It's probably soap.
What should our new Elf-inspired Holiday Soap be called?
Lil' Bits of Bliss

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A mother-daughter duo in Colorado building a business from home with handmade soap, bath, and massage products.
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LOl. sounds like us! Except for the basement part. I'd like to be able to do something like that in the garage. its already got shelving and electricity, and the water heater is right there, so running water wouldn't be an issue, mostly just installing a sink.
Well, that and a decent floor so my back didn't hurt so bad after working.
Amy - You should definitely do it! You can get one of those laundry sinks for about $100, and those thick mats aren't too much so you wouldn't have to do the whole floor.
All that would be left is paying for a plumber. I'm not sure how much that is yet. But it sounds doable!