I'd been working several days on this "blogging every day" stuff. And I was visiting forums and plugging our products everywhere I could possibly think of. And our sales were really not showing any improvement. Last night I was pretty bummed about it all. When you work all day long at something you expect to have something to show for it.
Then finally, something happened. I was prowling around etsy like normal, and stopped into a chat room again. I was there for about 30 seconds when someone out of the blue asked "Does anyone here make soap?" I just happened to be the only soapmaker in the room, which I think is rare. She looked at my products and loved what she saw! She ordered a gift basket full of stress-be-gone stuff for her husband and plans on buying a few bars for herself as well. Score!
A few minutes after those details were worked out, another person joined the fray. Etsy's chat is pretty cool because you can post pictures up in a sidebar of products that you like from people in the room. Someone had posted our pomegranate soap and this person messaged me very excitedly. She has been wanting to make cold-process soap and almost has all the ingredients she needs. But, she said, she got excited and bought a bar of our pomegranate.
So finally! It seems like I did *something* to pay off a little! Not only the sales, but both of these people seem like genuinely good people. I know I'll be talking to them both again soon. Go Etsy!
What should our new Elf-inspired Holiday Soap be called?
Lil' Bits of Bliss

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Etsy-bitsy Celebration
8:08 AM | Filed Under etsy, gift basket, pomegranate, stress-be-gone | 7 Comments
A mother-daughter duo in Colorado building a business from home with handmade soap, bath, and massage products.
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Read more here.
Great job! And it's definitely time to celebrate that sale =) Your photos are lovely. I'm not surprised that you got an Etsy sale with such an appealing looking store.
Thanks Anne-Marie!
It just keeps getting better all the time!
Congrats on your sales! I've hearted your shop. I'm always buying soap-I'll gladly give your products a try. Have you any Patchouli? (I'm off to check right now)
Our Earth Song Soap is a great combination of patchouli and lemongrass.
Hope you find something you like! And thanks for the well wishes!
Congrats! I'll check out your shop.
That's awesome and very inspiring!
Look forward to reading more.
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Rambles with Reese
Nice ppost thanks for sharing